Sex sells.

That’s a fact that many advertisers are aware of and many campaigns are based upon that theme.. Look at Calvin Klein their giant billboards with love making couples.. But there is a difference between an erotical link or a demeaning one..
For this weeks’ Vintage Tuesday, we’ve selected some vintage ads with a rather racy tint towards women.

Anyone recognizes this car? It’s a Maserati, one of the most manly Italian car brands. Let’s say that if you own one, you’re ‘the man’. And we think that this beautiful woman (you can tell it because of her hand) definitely wants to go for a ride..

The three following ads are also a good example to piss off feminists.. The first one is for men with a dreary sex life. Try buying your wife an in-sink erator! She’ll be so happy that she’ll want to pamper you, three times a day!

If you are a jealous type and hate it when men are looking at your girlfriend, try to put on some Griffin Microsheen. That’ll prevent guys from staring like they’ve seen a ghost.. NOT! 

And the last one goes to Thermodor, a micro wave, hot-food server and a self cleaning oven in one! If you look at the facial expression of the couple and at the text (we’ve indicated it) that says: “… it allows you to tamper with time by giving you freedom to serve, when it’s convenient..”. But honestly, we known that the man only needs five minutes to do his thing..