Burger King and their agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky have created some great ads in the last weeks. First of all these ads are really funny, but the main result is a lot of uproar amongst people. Their first commercial featuring SpongeBob SquarePants and rap star Sir Mix-a-Lot, is actually promoting the meal for children. Offcourse a lot of Americans are shocked by this way of promoting something for children. We are proud at CP&B for having the guts to show this commercial on national television, this is what the world of advertising needs!
The second commercial is even better! It’s an ad for the new “Texican Whopper”, you have to see it for yourself to believe it. And offcourse the Mexican gouvernement is furious because they believe this commercial illustrates a big, strong America having to help out little, weak Mexico. After this protest BK decided to withdraw the commercial. Will you never see it again? NO, thank god for the internet! Enjoy…