Vimeo is a U.S.-based video-sharing website on which users can upload, share and view videos. It is most known as the main competitor of Youtube. Since the launch in 2004, Vimeo has now become the most qualitative video platform online.

In June (7-9), Vimeo is giving its Award Show for the best videos in categories like music videos, animation, action sports, motion graphics and many more. The most interesting category is evidentially advertising. The shortlist contains 12 brands with each their own short video.

What is your favourite?

Gatorade: Go All Day

TMB: Make The Difference

Red Giant: Plot Device

STA Travel: Move, Learn and Eat

Farm Aid: Abandoned

Toyota: Auto Biography

Splitscreen: A Love Story

Sony PS3: Realtime Mapping

K-Swiss: Kenny Powers

Chevrolet: Sonic Sky

Education First: Live The Language

Intel: Kitty and Lala