Gents agency

An independent, passionate and quirky advertising boutique inhabited by fearless and open-minded people. Our home is in Ghent, Belgium, but we produce both international and local campaigns. We strive to create awesomeness. We focus on creating business solutions that have true added value for your customers. We create products, services and spaces that are fun, creative, new and relevant, and take them to market with inspirational storytelling, experimental marketing techniques, digital novelties and interactive communication. We strive for long-term relationships. Big, small, local or international, our ideal clients share one common trait: forward-thinking. We like to work with like-minded people and companies, and love clients who don’t care how big we are, but value the size of our ideas.



Details(change details)

  • Name: Gents agency
  • Country: Belgium
  • City: Ghent
  • Industry: Creative agency
  • Employees: 1-10
  • Website:
  • Facebook: gentsagency
  • Twitter: @gentsagency
  • Agency Ranking: 585 (-1)
  • Creative Criminals: 2
  • Loves: 26

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