Agency Ranking

(reset to default)
3rd 0 BBH, London 774
4. 0 TBWA, Brussels 723
7. 0 McCann, Tel Aviv 529
8. 0 BBDO, New York 486
9. 0 Buzzman, Paris 443
10. +2 Publicis, Milan 400
12. -1 AMV BBDO, London 393
15. 0 DDB, Amsterdam 349
17. 0 BETC, Paris 346
23. 0 Grey, Düsseldorf 303
25. 0 JWT, São Paulo 286
26. 0 TBWA, Paris 276
28. +1 Adam&EveDDB, London 263
30. 0 Droga5, New York 252
31. 0 BBDO, Toronto 238
32. 0 Mother, London 234
33. 0 Grey, London 231
34. 0 Grey, New York 228
37. 0 Publicis, Brussels 216
38. 0 Marcel, Paris 209
39. 0 Publicis, Paris 209
40. 0 BBDO, Düsseldorf 205
42. +1 Happiness, Brussels 198
43. -1 Cheil, Seoul 197
44. 0 INNORED, Seoul 197
45. +1 FCB, São Paulo 195
46. -1 Leo Burnett, Madrid 194
48. 0 lg2, Montreal 189
50. 0 Y&R, Johannesburg 183
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Frequently asked questions

How can I enhance my existing ranking?
The ranking is based on your love count. What’s that you say? Yes, you did hear correctly - every love your campaign is awarded increases your overall ranking.
How often is the ranking updated?
Witness your ranking rise right before your eyes. Every single love awarded to you will have an immediate influence on your ranking.
How can I add my agency to the ranking?
Once your agency profile has been successfully initiated, your agency will be automatically added to the ranking once we’ve verified its authenticity.
How can I add a campaign?
Engage the submit work tab in the menu above and follow the simple instructions that follow.
How can I contact you guys?
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