This film, entitled “Pens”, uses a clever visual device to tell the story of an unnamed protestor. The protestor is arrested, detained and abused, but released following thousands of petitions for his release. Set to a soundtrack performed by Paolo Nutini, with a short, stirring excerpt from Charlie Chaplin’s The Dictator, the spot champions Amnesty’s process of mobilization via the signatures of its supporters.
- Date: 17 June 2014
- Awards: 1
- Industry: Non-profit
- Media type: TV Commercial
Credits(add credits)
- Agency: TBWA, Paris
- Country:
- Vice President: Anne Vincent
- Account Manager: Laure Lagarde
- Account Manager: Isabelle Dray
- Creative Director: Philippe Taroux
- Creative Director: Benoit Leroux
- Art Director: Ingrid Varetz
- Head of TV: Maxime Boiron
- Agency Producer: Amer Zoghbi
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