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Captain Risky dives, jumps, soars and ski jumps his way into extreme danger. But Budget Direct wont insure Captain Risky, in order to keep prices low.
Shoe brand, Le Coq Sportif, created an inspiring short film. The mesmerising tones of actor Lani Tupu bring a message of hope, joy and kindness. It is a moving and timely reminder of the beauty and peace that is around us and
Check out Jenson Button, formula1 driver, hidden inside of a special ATM. The customers who pushed the Jenson button received a gift of £100 and a Christmas hamper delivered by Jenson Button, the Secret Santa for the day.
Beuatiful commercial featuring Miles, the bear of a little girl. She takes him wherever she can, and treats Miles like her best friend. Apparently there's coming a sequelto the commercial where Miles meets another teddybear.
Every moment in your life is unique and precious. Enjoy it! Live it to the fullest! Let nothing distract you from drinking every last drop of this sweet nectar called life. Think about sharing it online later.
Gatorade gave NHL pros the opportunity to play with a Canadian sledge hockey team and the professionals discovered their skills aren’t as sharp as they might think.
Ikea asked little children to write a letter to the 3 kings (equivalent of Santa Clause), and one to their parents. The result is beautiful!
Women should be pretty for someone who really deserves it, like themselves for example
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