Every time around Christmas I come up with the same and irritating problem: What to buy for my girlfriend this year? Every girlfriend/wife always says: “How hard can it be to buy something original for me?”. But they don’t have a clue..
Once I’ve tried to buy her some sexy lingerie, but women aren’t stupid and know that it’s actually a gift for yourself.. So I asked some of my experienced friends and they all had the same answer; Jewelry.. If you don’t buy jewelry, you might end up in the doghouse..

That’s how JCPenny’s story went last year. Some guys were stuck in a basement because they gave their girlfriend stupid presents or they said something wrong.. e.g. One bought a vacuum cleaner, and the other one said that his woman’s mother looked ’smoking’ in her bathing suit.. Click here to see last year’s episode, a must see!

Here you can see the sequel ‘Return to the Doghouse’, with the same doghouse review board and the same characters..
They also made a website where as a man you can update all your stupidities you’ve done regarding to your wife..