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Every year, Pantone reveals the highly revered 'Color of the Year', which goes on to be popularised across the fashion and visual industry in their products and creations. This year, Pantone's Color of the Year was 'Living Coral', inspired by the colors o
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As leaders in sustainability, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Sanlam have spearheaded an initiative which aims to educate the South African public on what they can do to help conserve water. To reconnect urban water users with the ultimate source
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In 2014, photographer David Slater sued Wikimedia Commons, claiming authorship of a “selfie” taken by a monkey with his camera. A U.S. court recognized the lack of authorship of the image, ruling that it belonged to neither the photographer nor the monkey
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You like running and you always keep fit? You enjoy competing with your friends and setting new records? But will you dare to compete with a real wild beast? Ad Agency Hungry Boys of Moscow placed a GPS tag on one of the tigers in the Far East. And now y
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Trees looking like endangered animals, representing the symbiotic relationship between trees and wildlife.
To raise awareness about the impact of global warming, WWF-Paraguay made a lunch cooked on the asphalt.
Imagine the trash in forests turning out to be new species. That’s what they are implying in these drawings. The style is different, that’s the least we can say, but together with the typography they turned out pretty great.
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Imagine the oceans would look like the huge landfill in these commercials. WWF and the Vancouver Aquarium depict it like this could be the future, very sad, but a good insight for a commercial.
“For the first time in history, insects stood up, marched out, and went viral.”. So says BBDO Germany, that has created a beautiful campaign for the 50th anniversary of WWF.
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